



Why Less Is More?

This article was published on: 08/6/20 10:30 PM

The modern world is a concoction of the luscious pleasures of the material world and the wisdom of the spiritual realm. We live among these two opposites that with the tic-tac of time, are merging into one another to disclose a universal truth; the wholesomeness of existence.


While integrating material possessions as a part of our daily lives has become a tool for evolution, it is good to identify when we are overconsuming so we can change our shopping habits and live less wastefully. Overconsumption’s the common denominator in almost every serious challenge the world is facing right now: climate change, resource depletion, extinction of species, and even hunger!


We have been educated to believe that the more we have, the more joy will enter our lives. It’s as if we have visualized that multiplying the amount of stuff we own, multiplies our happiness. Money can buy those ‘very needed things’ and get us somehow covered in case some ‘future inconveniences’ happen to arise. This false feeling of safety from owning more material objects has become an obsession, with the goal of achieving peace of mind with it.


While it’s true that having some financial security contributes to overall well being whatsoever, after our basic needs are met, what do we bring into our lives that add value to it? A treasured mug, a linen dress that can be worn a lifetime or the smell of flowers and spices that reminisces your childhood. Every individual has unique things they feel called by that make life much sweeter.


The meaning of ‘less is more’ is shaped around the concept that by having less, by owning less, by thinking less; we can make more of what we actually are/have. That doesn’t mean renouncing possessions and the pleasures of life, but rather intensifying the delight of having those things!


The best way to minimize our possessions is by understanding our real needs. Gathering those things that truly have meaning and bring value to our lives takes effort and time. Thoughtfully removing the non-essential will allow us to see clearly which are the things that make our life more comfortable and are serving us in some way. After clearing the space of clutter, we can start calling off the things we really love, eventually surrounding ourselves with those pieces that bring us closer to our divinity.




  • LESS TO MAINTAIN = MORE TIME. Owning fewer things means having to spend less time in repairing, cleaning, and maintaining the condition of the items. That time can be invested in the people we love, connecting with nature, or designing dream projects.


  • LESS STUFF= MORE SPACE. The fewer things we have, the more space we create to allow positive energy. Abundance needs space to flow around. If you get rid of that meaningless item, you will create space for a much more beautiful one to enter.


  • LESS EXPENSES = MORE RESOURCES. Small but constant expenses are, in the long run, more harmful to our finances than spending upfront and intelligently in long-lasting goods and experiences. Invest in fine items that can serve you for a long time.


  • LESS UNNECESSARY ITEMS = MORE USEFUL ITEMS. When we are aware of what we truly like,  we can plan smartly how to purchase stuff that can actually serve us in different ways instead of having many one-purpose items.


We can certainly find contentment in the things we own by making the most of them and sharing!
In summary, having less stuff helps us with our relationships, personal goals, self-esteem, contributes to a happy earth and instigates generosity and sharing.


Ultimately, material things come and go, and what will remain is how they made us feel.


Article by Annamaria V. Gordobil