


The Inner Compass Mala


Material: Golden Eye, Rudraksha Seeds and Silver

Combine the earth’s energy with the soft glow of the sun, and you will get the Golden Eye Crystal bead. While feeling the natural energy of the earth and sprinkling in the sunshine, this mala will brighten your spiritual awareness. Place the Inner Compass mala in meditation upon the third eye to open up your psychic senses. Using the stimulus of the sun’s energy, this mala draws out your inner most desires and can give you the boost of courage and self-worth through challenging situations. It acts as a balance to your open chakras and stimulates Kundalini energy. Traditionally, this stone was worn as a talisman to ward off ill will. This energy is combined with the Rudraksha seed to that increases the vibrations from the Elaeocarpus ganitra tree. This semi precious seed is said to have a unique vibration by taking in the atmosphere in which it’s grown. This energy helps to settle your senses into an environment that is natural compass within yourself.