


What is a Mala?

A mala is a set of 108 uniquely chosen beads, hand-strung in a circular form and grounded by the guru bead. These beautiful ancient tools support you in your spiritual practice and bring you to the present moment. During meditation, malas anchor your focus through the simple sensation of the beads running through your fingertips. They are also believed to shield you from negativity, and regular meditation can even increase their power. Your mala is a perfect daily prompt to reflect throughout even the most hectic of days. At Meisou, we are seeking to spread the mala love and hope that people of any background can feel welcomed to wear one of our pieces.

How should i choose a Mala?

Each mala created by Meisou has its own unique design and intention, and finding the perfect one is a truly personal decision. We believe that choosing a mala should be based on the feeling that it gives you. When selecting your mala, you might be drawn to the color or a specific healing property of a gemstone, or perhaps you will decide to focus your decision upon a specific intention. Use your intuition as your guide and know that any mala that you choose will be a great step into meditation and balance.